Our Customers within Pumping, within Mixing & Agitation, within Live Fish Pumping, within Water Treatment, within Liquid Cargo Handling
We serve customers from different industries, both large and small. The common factor is that they need to transport, mix, agitate or treat fluids, solids, and even live materials.
A strong customer focus, innovative mindset, unique flow technology concepts, high-quality engineering, and a dedicated service team ensure top performance when serving your flow challenges.
Years' Industrial Heritage
Cargo Pump Systems
Delivered to OSVs
100 %
Brand Independent

Key markets
PG is the global leader in cargo handling systems to the OSV’s. We provide hydraulic and electric drive solutions to our flow technology and cater to the needs of shipowners to a variety of vessel types and tonnages.
We support the aquaculture industry
with silage treatment, storage systems, and solutions for live fish pumping with fish welfare as priority number 1.
With pump systems installed on almost every offshore facility in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, we provide a range of NORSOK and API approved pump solutions, extensive lifecycle support and services as well as brownfield modification solutions to continuously reduce OPEX and extend the system lifetime.
The production facility at PG’s HQ is state-of-the-art with a large welding capacity, water cutting machine, CNC machine, and workshop for repairs, services, and assembly. Combined with our technical know-how, PG can service a range of requirements across several industrial applications.